About Me

Prof. Mehran Abolhasan is in the field of Communication Engineering, where he is currently conducting research in areas such as Wireless Networking, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity, Software Defined Networking, Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Urban Greening and Digital Agriculture. He has an internationally renowned research track record through publishing high quality papers in leading journals and conferences with over 10000 citations with a H-index of 38 (GoogleScholar). He has been listed in Stanford University’s top 2% of all scientists list. His significant contributions towards the advancement of knowledge in the field of Communications Engineering has been through the development of theoretical and simulation models, algorithms and protocols, testbeds, and prototypes. His research has resulted in more than 200 publications including top Q1 journals such as IEEE Transaction Journals. Furthermore, he has made significant contribution to the scientific community by serving as a reviewer, TPC, general chair for major international conferences and journals in his field.

In addition to his theoretical research track record, he has over 18 years of experience leading research projects, HDR students and research labs. Currently, he is the leader of the Intelligent Networks and Applications Lab (iNAL) at FEIT, where he has established a lab to enable modelling, development and testing of networking technologies and applications. He has also held significant research leadership roles in the Faculty of Engineering and IT. This includes serving as the Director of Research Programs and the chair of the FEIT Research Degrees Committee from 2014 to 2017 and serving as the Deputy head of School for Research for the School of Electrical and Data Engineering (SEDE) from 2016 to 2022.

He has strong research mentorship experience through which he has led over 20 HDRs successful to completion. Through his sustained track record of industry engagement, creation of new research ideas and directions, he has successfully secured several R&D projects worth over eight million dollars. This includes external grants such as ARC, CRC, Industry and Government funded research projects. He has experience in standardisation and has previously served as the head of Australian Delegates and a contributing member for the ISO/IEC international standardisation Committee for Internet of Things (IoT) (ISO/IEC SC41). He is currently a Senior Member of IEEE.

Prof. Mehran Abolhasan B.E Computer, PhD, SMIEEE Professor – School of Electrical and Data Engineering Leader of the Software Defined Networks lab University of Technology Sydney

E: Mehran [dot] abolhasan [AT] uts [dot] edu [dot] au